Tuesday, April 29, 2014

After wax care - for MEN

Bode Spa is always letting our clients know about proper after wax care ! it is a vey important step in making sure you don't break out and to keep that look you where trying to achieve in the first place. We will be putting together a step by step hand out of own, soon. In the mean time this is one that I have found to be the best so far.

Here is the link as the full article doesn't show well on our coloured back ground. (sorry)



 Australia's male bodywax centre
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Aftercare Tips ....

OK! So went for the waxing. You look great! It feels even better! You take your clothes off to show everyone all the time! You've never had sex feel this good....

Ok! We promise to stay focused!

What's going to happen now?

No worries! You'll live!

There are a few things we advise you do after your waxing for men session to make sure you grow back good though.

Read on....

Read comments from guys who waxHERE 
Immediately after
PLEASE don't do ANY of the following stupid things for at least the first 12 hours after your treatment (the next day is better):

• Sunbake ("Suntan" for those who don't know)
• Go to the beach or swim in the sea (It's ONLY 12 hours mate!)
• Go in a chlorinated pool
• Hang out in a jacuzzi - you don't know whose been or done what in that water
• Ditto for a steam bath or sauna - it's hot in there and bacteria just LOVE hot and steamy!
• Use any strong smelling creams or lotions - it might burn the hell out of you to remind you of this
• Beware of condoms and/or lubricants
• Don't have unprotected sex
• Allow any 'body fluids' (other than your own) on your waxed areas

Your follicles are exposed and you are prone to infection!
OR think of it like this:
Would you do these things to an open sore?
Redness & Burning
This settles within a couple of hours after. If it does not, see your physician.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E cream is VITAL for good skin after waxing! Get Vitamin E cream from your pharmacy and rub it on the waxed areas after every shower....or get someone to help you with this...

Other products available that are great as after-wax care includes commercial mixtures like tee tree and witchhazel creams. However, if it burns too much, chuck it!

Experiment until you find something that works best with your skin.
Your skin will close over your follicles soon after your treatment. (A follicle is the small tubular cavity containing the root of a hair... for those who don't know) The hairs will start to grow again soon and will want to break through that skin.

You'll have to help the little buggers with this OR you might get ingrown hairs along with those horrible red bumps and you'll look a mess in the gym change rooms!

DO THE FOLLOWING: Get a SOFT brush from your chemist (NOT a nail brush!) OR just use an exfoliating mitt if you don't want to be caught doing the brush-thing. After soaping up in the shower, GENTLY brush in circular movements over all the waxed areas. Yep, you guessed it.... 'there' too. This goes a bloody long way to help the hairs to break through the skin. Continue this for a few days and we can practically guarantee no ingrowns.

NOTE: We said GENTLY brush in circular movements.... Cut the macho "I-feel-no-pain" thing of SCRUBBING till the blood flows every time. You CAN do 'gentle mate...no-one will know! Irritating the skin with rough scrubbing will cause you to expose yourself to infection in those no-go areas for longer than you need to!
Sooooo.... You didn't listen when we said to do your homework!

There are commercial products to help with ingrowns. Ask your therapist for some. No doubt they'll stock it for you. Stuff like Legolé and In-Grow Gold and Ingrown-X-it.

Either that or get the sharp and tweezers and dig them out one at a time...or get a caring soul to do it for you... could be fun!
Go Back
When the hair grows back, go back to your therapist and get cleaned up...!
© waxing4blokes.com / all rights reserved

Thursday, April 24, 2014


When I mention that I own and run a spa for men I get a lot of reactions as you can imagine. The first is that everyone seems to go to the dirty route with a little smirk or laugh trying to make a joke as if it is an uncomfortable topic. Why is it that Women can have spa's just for them, Gyms just for them and no one thinks anything strange about that - yet when there is one for men everyone seems to go the …. oh are there happy endings involved. The answer is NO this is a professional spa where the services are geared towards the MALE client.  Simple - Right ?  I think so but it causes another question, why do we need a spa for Men ? what is the difference compared to any other spa ?

The next series of posts in the Bode Spa for Men Blog will answer these questions. Today we will be discussing the topic of Grooming (waxing, clipping, shaving, sugaring).

Men are looking for Spa's that offer theses services and are having a hard time finding ones that will do the areas they want waxed. Traditionally the back is the most common and still is but with many other areas being asked to be done as well. Most spas will not offer more than a back or chest wax. So why don't we start there.

In Ontario the schools that teach waxing or sugaring are teaching technique and education on the hair, root and skin. They will teach on how it grows, reactions to after waxing and will do some on hands training. Mainly on women, very few schools have male clients that are willing to come in and have a wax done. When they do it is almost an entire class looking on the 1 or 2 men that are having the service done. The education about what happens after the waxing to the body and the aftercare protocol are all geared to the female client not the male client. Why does that matter you ask ? Men produce over 30% more oil then women do and after a wax your body's oil production is kicked into high gear to help repair the rooted areas. Wax which not only removes the hair but removes dead and some live skin  has now started a process where the skin starts to repair itself. The skin is now growing over the hair follicle pore, which needs to breathe. The skin will react - you will notice red bumps over most of your back the first time or two (it does get better with regular waxing). If you are not doing an important after care step (that is not discussed in most schools in regards to male waxing) your oil will now be trapped under those red bumps and now they will start looking like acne. If you have had your back waxed at some point in the past you know what I am talking about. This can all be avoided by 1 simple after care step. The step is not an expensive product, doesn't require you to come back to the spa for a professional to take care of, it is something you can easily do on your own at home during your normal daily routine. What is that step - well that is why you come see the experts at Bode Spa for Men. A small percentage of men will require a 2nd step as well - but only a very few. That 2nd step is something that mainly done which a chest waxing - which does have a lot more reaction than a back.

What most people don't realize that our schools in Ontario only contain approx. a paragraph and a half on how to take care of mens spa like needs. That is a paragraph and a half on face skin care, feet, hands, body care, waxing etc.. WOW that is a lot of knowledge is it not !

So lets ask that question again - Why a mens spa ? Simple - WE NEED IT

Our experts at Bode Spa for Men in OTTAWA have taken many extended courses so we can care for the male client. When it comes to waxing I (Daniel Francoeur) have over 17 years experience, teach and train in the area of male waxing, the knowledge and education that I have gained over the years have been passed on to the Bode staff which they blend with their expert training.

When it come to Male Waxing we are the experts ! If you are simply curious, come see us for a consult - it won't cost you anything but you will leave with a wealth of knowledge.

I will add more information over the next few weeks on Grooming then will get into face care, foot care, hand care etc.

If you have any questions please forward them to me at info@bodespa.com or through here.

Daniel Francoeur

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Tax Day at Bode Spa - Ottawa

Keep an eye on our Blog

We will be posting more and more in this area - listing up coming specials but mainly educational items

For the rest of month of April and the month of May we are offering some discounts to help out with all that tax stress.

if you pay by credit receive 13% off your services

if you pay by debit receive 15% off your services


if you pay by cash receive 20% off your services

just a little something to help you visit the spa during this tax - stress time