Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Waking up all on your own with out the aid of an alarm clock or in my case and I am sure..many handy-never without phone.

As you stretch, mmm that feels so good, you have a peek out the window noticing that it is still quite dark but also realizing that winter is about to set in and well that the winter months are usually spent getting up in the dark and heading home in the dark.

Feeling refreshed, you reach for your phone when it hits you, its only 4:30am
I (for me) am up way way way to early...why am I up..why do I feel refreshed - or do I. Now I start to feel robbed of sleep and am no longer feeling refreshed. I'm thinking of my now very long day ahead, heck my very long day yesterday.

Note to self....have a massage at the end of my day today....after all I am in the spa business...I should be able to arrange this ...a Massage at the end of the work day is amazing...of course it does mean you go home and flake out...which in this case I would totally look forward to tonight.

So what do I do now since I seem to be fully awake with no signs of falling back to sleep...I check out my emails..and there it is...what woke me up so early...since it has been a major discussion over the last few weeks now the major topic of this week since December is right around the corner.


this was a fun project that I came up with last the very last minute of course...racking my brain and that of the Bode staff last December...what special can we put together today for that days gift certificate.

What is the 24 days of Bode....Bode celebrates by offering amazing specials that can only be purchased on gift certificates that helps you with your holiday gift list whether that be for the loved ones in your life or simply a gift to you.

This year we have 2 locations to run this fun and unique campaign, even more specials. Eric, staff at both locations and I have been brain storming some great ideas for this year.

You will be able to find the 24 days of Bode specials listed on facebook so like our fan page, or if you are more of a Twitter person no worries as we will be posting it on our Twitter page so follow us there and if you are not a fan of either then hey it will be posted on the Bode blog as well.

so keep tuned.....starting off in a few days

That's only 1 thing keeping my head spinning....the other is the celebration of the Toronto opening...well simply the Toronto opening itself has my head spinning...but to celebrate Toronto as well as Ottawa is hosting a party this Thursday the 29th day of November at our spa locations. Ottawa will celebrate with an art show and Toronto with live Spanish classical music. Come celebrate with Bode Spa - our locations are on the website
join us for a little drink, food and some mini spa services

After my emails are done and my mind is resting a little I decided to check out the Bode Spa twitter page to see what was going on and to find out who else was having trouble sleeping...
look what I came across by Mens Health a fun read and some great hints on the reasons why we have trouble sleeping...

On with the day...stay tuned
will have more tomorrow...

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